Control Your Triglycerides (Blood Fats) - More Important Risk Factor than Cholesterol!
Dr. Stephen Bittiker relayed his experience in controlling triglycerides on his show, Natural Health and You. Doctors are not concerned with triglycerides because there isn't any drugs to treat it. Triglycerides are a more important risk factor than cholesterol because they affect you much faster. He said he had a patient who had a triglyceride level of 2400 mg. He had just been released from the hospital after having an angina attack. After making diet changes, his triglyceride level returned to normal - less than 150 mg/dL. The patient was scared enough that he took Dr. Bittiker's advice, and went on a low carbohydrate diet. Dr. Bittiker had a biochemist listener who had access to lab equipment. Since he disagreed with Dr. Bittiker, he checked the rise in triglycerides after eating only olive oil, only cheese, and only pasta. These are the main ingredients in Fettucini Alfredo, also known as "heart attack on a plate". Both the olive oil and cheese increased triglyceride level by about 50 mg. The pasta increased triglyceride level by 300 mg! The biochemist listener changed his mind and agreed with Dr. Bittiker. A low carbohydrate diet reduces the amount of sugar and grains in the diet. Grains are converted to simple sugar in the body. Substituting vegetables for some sugar and grains is a good start. Avoid juicing, eat whole fruits and vegetables. I guess I'll cut back on my muffins - rats.
Paleo Diet is Recommended br Dr. Stephen Bittiker -
See my January 27, 2005, posting - How to Listen to Natural Health and You With Dr. Stephen Bittiker.
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