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Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Alternative to Lower Back or Neck Surgery for Herniated Disk with 70% Success Rate

Dr. Stephen Bittiker suggested that if you're facing lower back or neck surgery for a herniated disk, call his office, at 1-800 326-5838. By July 15th he will have decompression machine. He stated that it is a scientifically researched fact that if you complete chiropractic adjustments and decompression therapy, there is a high probability you won't need the surgery!

See my January 27, 2005 posting - How to Listen to Natural Health and You With Dr. Stephen Bittiker.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Best Exercise Bike?

Dr. Stephen Bittiker uses and recommends the Schwinn Airdyne exercise bike. Having been almost run over by a school bus while riding his regular bike, he decided an exercise bike was much safer! He thinks it is the best machine on the market and likes the fact that it has handles that also exercise your arms. Since it is built like a tank, he feels you would never have to have it repaired.

Review of Schwinn Airdyne Exercise Bike on Epinions

See my January 27, 2005 posting - How to Listen to Natural Health and You With Dr. Stephen Bittiker.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

New - NOW Calcium Caseinate Powder - Better than Whey Isolates

NOW Calcium Caseinate Powder is a natural protein powder that is rich in amino acids, protein, and calcium. Calcium Caseinate has the same high quality rating as traditional whey isolates, but is better than whey isolates because it is more slowly utilized. More amino acids and peptides are absorbed because of this slow digestion process. Muscle fibers are efficiently nourished with a steady and prolonged supply of nitrogen to muscle tissues.

NOW Calcium Caseinate Powder - 2 lbs. - at the Lowest Price on the Net

See my January 27, 2005 posting - How to Listen to Natural Health and You With Dr. Stephen Bittiker.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Lew's Organic Blueberry Oat Muffin Recipe - No Dairy, Sugar, Wheat, or Yeast

Found information that applesauce can be substituted for butter. If your recipe calls for 4 tablespoons of butter, use 4 tablespoons of applesauce. Rice Dream Drink seems to make a good substitute for sour cream if you add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and let it sit for 5 minutes to thicken up. Substitute Rice Dream Drink for half of the amount of sour cream the recipe calls for to replace all of the sour cream. Rice Dream Drink was recommended as a substitute for soy milk by Gary Null. Makes 12 muffins. Fill each baking cup to about 1/4 inch from the top. Also learned that if you just put your muffins in the refrigerator, they will lose their freshness faster then leaving them out. If you want to keep your muffins longer than 2 days, freeze them.
  • 2 cups Organic Whole Grain Oat Flour
  • 1 tablespoon Aluminum-Free Baking Powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 large Organic Eggs
  • 1 tablespoon Xylitol**
  • 1/2 cup Organic Applesauce
  • 2/3 cup Rice Dream Drink - add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice & let sit 5 minutes to thicken up
  • 1 1/2 cups Organic Blueberries
Bake for 21 to 23 minutes at 375 degrees.

**Xylitol is a Natural and Safe Sugar Substitute**

NOW Xylitol - 8 0z. - at the Lowest Price on the Net

See my January 26, 2005, posting - How to Listen to The Gary Null Show.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Xlear Natural Nasal Wash Flushes Away Bacteria, Pollens, Dander, Molds, Allergens, & Other Irritants

Dr. Stephen Bittiker recommended the natural Xlear Nasal Wash on his show today. The main ingredient in Xlear is Xylitol. Xylitol is a natural sugar from sources such as fruits, vegetables, corn stalks/husks/cobs, birch wood, nutshells, etc. Xlear flushes harmful bacteria, pollens, dander, molds, allergens, and other irritants away. Clinical studies have shown that Xlear Nasal Wash can substantially reduce sinus and upper respiratory infections, including middle ear infections, when used regularly.
Xlear Nasal Wash from The Vitamin Shoppe

You could try making your own natural nasal wash with Xylitol. Dr. Bittiker suggested Eleanor's Nose Spray Recipe on the following link.
Eleanor's Nose Spray Recipe in the Miscellaneous Section of Dr. Stephen Bittiker's Catalog - Near the Bottom of the Webpage

NOW Xylitol - 8 oz. - at the Lowest Price on the Net

See my January 27, 2005 posting - How to Listen to Natural Health and You With Dr. Stephen Bittiker.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Acid Reflux (GERD) & Acid Indigestion Help

Mitchell Ghen, D.O., was a quest on the The Debra Ray Show today. In his practice, he uses the most often used herb in Europe for acid reflux and acid indigestion. The herb is clown's mustard (yes, clown's mustard). Debra Ray said Enzymatic Therapy's Iberogast contains clown's mustard and 8 other herbs.
Enzymatic Therapy's Iberogast from The Vitamin Shoppe

DGL, Deglycyrrhizinated licorice, has been widely used in Europe to help heal the lining of the stomach.
Enzymatic Therapy's DGL from The Vitamin Shoppe

See my January 28, 2005, posting - How to Listen to The Debra Ray Show, Healthy Talk Radio. Debra Ray's radio and streaming audio health show has been bringing researched health information to listeners since 1982.

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Monday, June 06, 2005

Pathways that Lead to ADD, ALS, MS, Parkinsons, & Alzheimer's Disease from Althea Myrie, Nutritional Therapist

Althea Myrie, CCN, was a guest on the Debra Ray Show today. She stated that exposure to toxic metals can cause ADD, ALS, MS, Parkinsons, & Alzheimer's Disease (only 5% of ALS is inherited). She discovered this by profiling her patients. How we are exposed to toxic metals was a surprise to me.
  • Mercury - Mercury Amalgam Dental Filings - If you chew gum, you're exposure is 17 times higher.
  • Cadmium - Every cigarette produces 3 mg of cadmium.
  • Aluminum - Cola drinks containing phosphoric acid. Phosphoric acid strips away the lining of the aluminum can. Symptoms can mimic MS & Lupus in young people.
Heavy metals are stored in fat cells in the brain and central nervous system. From these fat cells, the heavy metals do their damage to the mylan sheath. The mylan sheath is the fatty protective covering of the nerve cells. Heavy Metals cause thyroid activity to be reduced by stopping the conversion of T4 hormone to T3. This will not show on a thyroid test. Thyroid functions to:
  • Regulate the body temperature. Cold hands and feet when low.
  • Accelarate remylanization of the mylan sheath.
  • Regulate short term memory.
  • Regulate libido.
She told about a patent whose mother smoked even during pregnancy. He was a drinker of cola in cans. By just stopping the cola drinks, he is now free of MS. Chelation will not remove the metals from the fat in the brain. She has a protocol that will do that. Althea said she will be back on the show, as they ran short of time.

See my January 28, 2005, posting -How to Listen to The Debra Ray Show, Healthy Talk Radio. Debra Ray's radio and streaming audio health show has been bringing researched health information to listeners since 1982.
