Magnetic Therapy for Pain and Cataracts
Walter C. Rawls, Jr., PhD, a guest on The Deborah Ray Show, is the President of Albert Roy Davis Labs, where magnetic therapy research has been conducted since 1936. They hold over 40 patents. Their work is verified by Columbia and Rutgers University, Medical College of Pennsylvania, and others. Dr. Rawls talked about checking a magnet to see which side is neagative energy. This helped me to understand that negative energy comes from the north pole of a magnet. When bringing a compass close to the north pole of a magnet, the needle will be attracted. This north pole, or negative energy, is the side to use for therapy. He said the south pole, or positive energy, will work for a short time; but, it is not safe. He does NOT recommend using a magnetic mattress. Besides answering callers questions, he also talked about their Magnetic Lense Glasses. He said these glasses can be worn for 30 minutes, twice a day, to get rid of cataracts or for 10 to 15 minutes, once a day, for stress. Dr. Rawls does not charge for phone conversations. Call 1-904-264-8564 to ask your questions.
Magnets (money back guarantee), books, videos, articles, and endorsements on Albert Roy Davis Labs' website
See my January 28, 2005, posting - How to Listen to The Debra Ray Show, Healthy Talk Radio. Debra Ray's radio and streaming audio health show has been bringing researched health information to listeners since 1982.
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