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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Chlorella - "Superior to Vitamin Supplements & Improves Digestion."

Dr. Michael Garko, on "Let's Talk Nutrition," talked about the fresh water algae, chlorella.
  • The natural vitamins and minerals in chlorella are bio-chelated. That means they are naturally wrapped in amino acids, so they will be taken in by the body more readily.
  • Chorella contains natural digestive enzymes and fibrous materials that improve your digestion.
  • Higher in chlorophyl than any other plant. Contains more chlorophyl per gram than any other plant. Contains 5 to 10 times the chlorophyl content of barley grass, spirulina, and wheat grass. Chlorophyl is one of the greatest food substances for cleansing the bowel and other elimination systems, such as the liver and blood.
  • Chorella contains fibrous materials that promote the growth of beneficial aerobic bacteria in the stomach. Beneficial good bacteria in your intestinal tract, like Lactobacillus, increase at four times the normal rate. Your body's ability to take in nutrients and digestion is greatly improved.
  • One teaspoon a day is recommended. In Japan, chlorella is the most common supplement taken. They add it to juice, milk, noodles, soup, tea, yogurt, and other foods.
Yaeyama Chlorella is grown in the environmentally pristine coral reef region of Japan's Ishigaki island using mountain spring water, tropical sunshine and food grade nutrients.

Jarrow Formulas makes 100 % pure Yaeyama chlorella powder in both 100 gram (3.5 oz) and 2.2 lbs (1 kg) sizes.

See my March 9, 2006, posting - How to Listen to Let's Talk Nutrition with Michael Garko, Ph.D.


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