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Saturday, May 13, 2006

Beware of Terminator Technology - Genetically Modified Seeds!

Gary Null read a report showing 80% of the produce on supermarket shelves has been grown with genetically modified seeds. To avoid these, consumers can buy organic fruits & vegetables. Also, nationally recognized Certified Naturally Grown farmers are required to adhere to the same strict Organic Agricultural Practices and materials list on the USDA Natural Organic Program website. Since Certified Naturally Grown farmers are exempt from the fees and paperwork requirements associated with USDA Certified Organic, Certified Naturally Grown produce should be cheaper. Why genetically modify seeds? Money. Seeds that not genetically modified are called heirloom seeds. You can use heirloom seeds from plants you've grown for the following year. Not so with genetically modified seeds, only good for 1 year. If pesticides are required, only the brand of pesticide that the seeds have been modified for can be used. Some genetically modified seeds have the pesticide already in them, such as Monsanto's pesticidal potatoes. The label on a bag of Monsanto's pesticidal potatoes, in the supermarket, lists all of the nutrients and micronutrients in the potato, but does not mention that the potatoes have been genetically engineered or that they are legally a pesticide. Food labeling is ordinarily the responsibility of the FDA. The research to develop these seeds was paid for from public funds. The top 10 chemical companies' genetically modified seed sales, in the year 1999, are listed below. These top 10 companies control 31% of the $24.7 billion commercial seed market worldwide. Any comments? This is really disgusting to me. I will be looking for organic or Certified Naturally Grown vegetables & fruits.
  1. DuPont (Pioneer) USA $1,850,000,000
  2. Pharmacia (Monsanto) USA $1,700,000,000
  3. Syngenta (Novarits) $947,000,000
  4. Groupe Limagrain (France) $700,000,000
  5. Grupo Pulsar (Seminis) Mexico $531,000,000
  6. Advanta (AstraZeneca and Cosun) UK & Netherlands $416,000,000
  7. Sakata (Japan) $396,000,000
  8. KWS AG (Germany) $355,000,000
  9. Dow (+Cargill North Anerica) USA estimate $350,000,000
  10. Delta & Pine Land (USA) $301,000,000
Fortunately, gardeners can get heirloom seeds from many sources online. A number of companies have been making an effort to keep heirloom available.

Seeds Trust - vegetable, wild flower, native grass, & herb seeds for a sustainable future

See my January 26, 2005, posting - How to Listen to The Gary Null Show.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello all.

Found a parody of the Monsanto logo being used for protest tee shirts:


I got one (before they take em off)

Tuesday, October 02, 2007 9:48:00 PM  

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