Be a Smart Vegan!
On The Gary Null Show, Gary explained the advantages and a pitfall of being a vegan. Over 245 scientific studies show that vegetarians have less cancer, osteoporosis, arthritis, heart disease, and elevated blood pressure. But, an exclusive vegetarian diet is completely lacking in L-Carnosine. L-Carnosine may be the most important effective antiglycating agent known. Glycation is the toxic binding of sugar to the bodies proteins. When a chicken is cooked for 2 hours, it goes thru glycation. Glycation alters the body's proteins and renders them nonfunctional. That how we get wrinkled skin. Glycation is involved in disorders such as hypertension, arterioscelosis, cataracts, cancer, and Alzheimer's Disease. One serving of meat has about 700 mg of L-Carnosine. Gary recommends not eating meat. Just be a smart vegan and take at least 1,000 mg of L-Carnosine a day. He also suggested a diet with 75% raw and 25% cooked food.
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See my January 26, 2005, posting - How to Listen to The Gary Null Show.
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