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Sunday, January 22, 2006

Top 10 Nutritional Mistakes

Debra Ray read the Top 10 Nutritional Mistakes Made by Active People from the American Council on Exercise.
  1. skipping breakfast
  2. not eating before a workout
  3. waiting too long after exercise to eat
  4. replacing meals with energy bars or replacement drinks
  5. eating too much protein & not enough carbs
  6. trusting the accuracy of dietary supplement labels & claims - Debra Ray couldn't disagree more
  7. not consuming the right amount of calories for the amount of activity that you do
  8. beleiving that exercise means you can eat whatever you want
  9. not drinking the right amount of fluid
  10. jumping on the latest diet craze in search of that elusive edge
Below are Debra Ray's top 10 nutritional mistakes.
  1. skipping breakfast
  2. replacing meals with energy bars or replacement drinks
  3. beverages - check the labels on bottled teas & fruit juices
  4. trusting label claims - low carb, etc.
  5. cheese - rhymes with sneeze & wheez
  6. the latest diet craze - high protein, low carb, etc.
  7. not eating colorful foods - they can make a huge difference in your nutritional status
  8. cheat on the diet because you took a vitamin
  9. diet foods & diet drinks
  10. not having lots of good fats in the proper balance
American Council on Exercise - acefitness.org

See my January 28, 2005, posting - How to Listen to The Debra Ray Show, Healthy Talk Radio. Debra Ray's radio and streaming audio health show has been bringing researched health information to listeners since 1982.


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